VDI study: Trust must be built up

A study by the Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI) concludes that, above all, trust is lacking.

Already some studies have this blemish revealed that people lack confidence in technology. For example, the association AAA or from the institute J.D. power, Now the VDI comes to this conclusion. There are some solutions. So should Experience increase trust and companies need more enlightenment operate.

Autonomous Driving

Autonomous Driving

The VDI study entitled “Automated Driving in the Smart City” highlights the advantages of autonomous driving. In their eyes, it increases traffic safety and climate protection, the latter of several other studies is doubted and depends on whether the vehicles are equipped with an internal combustion engine. Because autonomous driving could do that as well traffic volume increase and if it continues to private car will give. It is undeniable that it changes the way we travel.

However, this development can only succeed if people adopt the technique and this is currently not the case, according to the study. Here, too, one speaks of the need to explain the technology in terms of opportunities and risks. Thus, the study showed that people underestimate the climate potential of technology. 42 percent of Germans surveyed believe that autonomous driving would reduce CO2 emissions. 61 percent believe that this would reduce fuel consumption.

This could be achieved by a reasonable driving style and a good route planning, what you as Predictive driving designated. This often succeeds with assistance systems like the eHorizon, So you give, for example, shortly before the place name sign or in front of a red traffic light no more gas. The study of the VDI assumes a saving of 15 percent.

The fact that road safety can increase with technology is considered safe. However, according to the VDI study, only about half of the respondents believe this (51 percent). The younger the respondentsthe higher the value. Among the 18 to 29 year olds, 73 percent believe that. This is also demonstrated by the use of mandatory systems such as the ABS, EPS or, in future, the autonomous emergency brake. However, over 90 percent of accidents are still attributed to human error.

Another finding of the study, which has also been asked several times, is the fear of the hacked-, 80 percent fear this. It must also be said that one of this legal side is let down and the federal government this possibility wants to use itself,

The automation of the public transport rejects the majority of 68 percent. Only 25 percent would support this, the survey said. The rejection increases with age. But autonomous driving is a good way to increase public transport cost-effectively in terms of capacity.

Thus, the VDI also concludes that there should be more education, more dialogues and more opportunities for participation. For example, one proposes a living lab, where it can be experienced.

About David Fluhr

I’ve been writing about Autonomous & Connected Driving since 2011 and also talk about it on other sites like the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at the HU Berlin and since 2012 I am a freelance journalist. Contact: mail@autonomes-fahren.de

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