Argo AI: Strategy change in the commercialization of autonomous driving

The company Argo AI wants to realign its strategy regarding the commercialization of autonomous driving.

That with ford and its cooperation partners Volkswagen working companies for autonomous driving, Argo AI, plans a change of commercialization orientation in autonomous driving.

Princeton Argo lidar

Princeton Argo Lidar

Most industry stakeholders are committed to providing robotic taxis, which is accompanied by a shift from manufacturer to mobility service provider. This is how the cooperation network of Mercedes Benz and Bosch Recently such tests in San José started in the state of California. Also Aptiv With Lyft or the French manufacturer Navya with the Autonomous Cab orient themselves in this direction. But especially Waymo has the edge in this regard.

But Argo AI wants to get rid of this strategy and plans to commercialize the technology elsewhere. Specifically, they want to lend the vehicles to its cooperation partners, whereby the calculation is made per distance covered. In this way, the vehicles are to be used for the transport of goods or passengers, which are operated by Ford or Volkswagen. This could also include operating trips.

The technology, so the plan, should be off 2021 and initially introduced in three US cities and built at Ford initially mainly in the Ford Transit Connect. You want it different concepts test. Volkswagen wants 2022 or 2023 be so far and equip the Moia-Fahrdienst with the Argo technology. The technology, says Argo CEO Salesky, can be integrated into a wide range of vehicles.

The details of the planned conditions, ie what the costs for the kilometers driven should be, was not known.

About David Fluhr

I’ve been writing about Autonomous & Connected Driving since 2011 and also talk about it on other sites like the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at the HU Berlin and since 2012 I am a freelance journalist. Contact:

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