Employees should donate part of the bonus: Porsche pays each employee a bonus of 9,000 euros

Porsche-Chef Oliver Blume: "Die Mitarbeiter sind aufgerufen, auf freiwilliger Basis an gemeinnützige Organisationen zu spenden"


Porsche CEO Oliver Blume: “Employees are encouraged to donate to non-profit organizations on a voluntary basis”

The sports car maker Porsche Show stock market chart Pays its employees a bonus of € 9,000 each for their work in the past year 2019 as agreed – but calls on the employees to voluntarily donate something during the coronavirus crisis. “The employees are encouraged to donate to voluntary organizations on a voluntary basis. The Porsche AG board team also personally accompanies this initiative and donates a total of half a million euros in private,” explained Porsche boss Oliver Blume.

This donation complements the company’s donation program for hospitals and charities. The employees called on Porsche to support the “Porsche helps” program, which had also been increased. Money from this flows, for example, on boards in the vicinity of the company locations or in the procurement of medical equipment. The aid program also means that Porsche employees volunteer to help charitable organizations. “Cohesion in our society is more important than ever,” said Porsche CEO Blume. “Industry, politics and society: together we will master the Corona crisis.”

la / dpa

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