The divided star – Dieter Zetsche assigns his legacy: The new power quartet at Daimler

The solo for overboss Zetsche has an end: the car maker will be controlled by a four-pointer in the future. MANAGER MAGAZINE 2018/1

DIETER-SHOW CEO Dieter Zetsche finds a new role


DAIMLER Dieter Zetsche arranges his heritage. The CEO splits the group and redistributes power. Four very different men will steer the carmaker into the rough future.

When Daimler’s chief financial officer Bodo Uebber (58) presents this Wednesday in the middle of January in the long-planned management workshop, it’s about the future of his employer. And his, even if he does not say a word about it. The project presented by the CFO sounds technical: the conversion of Daimler AG into three public limited companies for cars, trucks and financial services.

Uebber does not know if he will bring his idea through. He had already tested the topic more often, conducted several preliminary talks. The enthusiasm was always limited. CEO Dieter Zetsche (64, “the Dieter”) had reacted cautious.

The proposal also meets with skepticism among the board colleagues. Personnel Wilfried Porth (58) does not want right. He fears a loss of power, others suspect. His staff will reassure Porth later, the new structure will change nothing for them. Also Renata Jungo Brüngger (56) is distanced. She really wants to take her entire compliance team to the head office and then create new staff in the divisions. And do not save.

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