Prosecutor says accused killer Cristhian Bahena Rivera told authorities he recalls fight, then ‘Mollie is in his trunk’ –

The break that helped investigators solve the disappearance of Mollie Tibbetts began, Poweshiek County Attorney Bart Klaver said, with a “specter.”

Klaver delivered the prosecution’s opening statement Wednesday in the murder trial of Cristhian Bahena Rivera, the farmhand accused of killing the 20-year-old university student and hiding her body in July 2018. Speaking to the jury, Klaver recounted how hundreds of people turned out and scoured the countryside around Brooklyn, Iowa, after Tibbetts failed to arrive on Thursday, July 19, at the Grinnell day care where she worked for the summer.

He recalled how, after four weeks of fruitless searching, “they were no closer to finding Mollie than when they started.”

The thread that finally unraveled the mystery and led investigators to Bahena Rivera, he said, came from detectives who collected and reviewed footage from surveillance cameras in the area where Tibbetts was last seen. On one camera, from a home down the street from where Tibbetts was staying at her boyfriend’s home, “they saw a specter: a silhouette of what appeared to be a jogger in the time and area that Mollie was last seen.”

“As they scoured that video for any and every other clue as to Mollie’s disappearance, they noticed a certain vehicle appearing again and again and again on that video,” Klaver said. “A black Chevy Malibu.”

► More Wednesday:Bahena Rivera trial Day 1 recap: Mollie Tibbetts’ boyfriend ‘wholeheartedly’ believes suspected killer is guilty; court adjourns for the day

Police eventually spotted a car with the same distinctive chrome mirrors and door handles and spoke to Bahena Rivera, its driver. Klaver described how investigators questioned him on Aug. 20, and again at a remote farm field on the morning of Aug. 21, omitting any mention of a lengthy overnight interview that the judge ruled could not be used as testimony because Bahena Rivera had not fully been informed of his rights at the time.

But in the two interviews that were ruled admissible, Bahena Rivera made key admissions, Klaver said: that he had seen Mollie out running on Wednesday, July 18; that he thought she was “hot”; and that he turned around and went back for another look.

“He admitted that he followed her and he got out of his car,” Klaver said. “He admitted to jogging to catch up with her, that he wanted to get close to her. He admitted that Mollie didn’t want to have anything to do with him, that she threatened to call the police, and he admitted he became angry at that time. He admitted fighting with her.

“And then, he says, the next thing he remembers, he’s driving his car, the Malibu, and he notices Mollie’s earbuds, and he remembers that Mollie is in his trunk.”

Mollie Tibbetts, whose body was found in Iowa cornfield, had ‘multiple sharp force injuries.’ What we know about her abduction, death

Cristhian Bahena Rivera, wearing headphones for translation, listens to Poweshiek County Attorney Bart Klaver give his opening statements Wednesday, May 19, 2021, at the Scott County Courthouse in Davenport. Bahena Rivera is charged with first-degree murder in the 2018 death of Mollie Tibbetts.

Bahena Rivera told investigators he took Tibbetts’ limp, bloody body into a field and covered it with corn stalks, Klaver said. Police would later find a decomposing body, later confirmed to be Tibbetts’, and determine she had died as a result of 7 to 12 stab wounds, he said. They found blood in the trunk of Bahena Rivera’s car that contained DNA that was matched to the body, he said.

Klaver said the jury will be asked at the end of the case to focus on three major points: the video showing Bahena Rivera’s car in the area where Tibbetts vanished; the DNA evidence putting her blood in his car; and his admissions to police that he followed her, fought with her and hid her body.

“Ladies and gentlemen, when you examine this evidence together, there can be no other conclusion than that the defendant killed Mollie Tibbetts, and I’ll ask you to return a verdict, the only verdict that evidence demands, and you find the defendant guilty of murder in the first degree,” Klaver said.