German Handelsblatt: Truck manufacturer: “Must give consolidation”: Daimler is preparing for the final in truck engines002700

Daimler truck

The truck division of the Dax group wants to hold on to the combustion engine until at least 2039 – especially with 40-tonne trucks like the Actros flagship truck.

(Photo: Daimler AG)

Munich At Daimler, money is currently being redistributed on a large scale. The Stuttgart-based car and truck manufacturer is reducing its investments in the combustion engine to a minimum. At the same time, the Swabians are massively increasing their budget for the development of alternative drives. The result: the Mercedes-Benz passenger car division is switching to an “electric only” strategy. Diesel and gasoline will soon no longer play a role here.
Daimler Truck is also pushing the electricity transition. But the Dax Group’s truck division wants to hold onto the combustion engine until at least 2039 – especially with 40-ton trucks such as the Actros flagship truck. Andreas Gorbach, Chief Technology Officer at the largest commercial vehicle manufacturer in the world, therefore announced in an interview with the Handelsblatt that he would like to “further develop” the existing series of heavy engines by the end of the decade.

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