Giving back to our communities

Being active members of the communities in which we live and work, including Arizona, California, Michigan, Texas, and Washington state, is central to our values at Waymo. While Waymo employees are encouraged to partake in community service throughout the year, WaymoServe is a month focused on volunteerism, designed to support what is meaningful to them.… Continue reading Giving back to our communities

Incoming Daimler CEO Ola Kallenius Talks Mercedes EVs and Future of Diesel – Motor Trend

How is the Mercedes-AMG One hypercar coming? We’re in the middle of development right now. When will the first car be delivered, and how many will you make? Next year. Not early in the year. There will be 275. View 4 Photos What will your EQ electric vehicle family look like? We’re going to make… Continue reading Incoming Daimler CEO Ola Kallenius Talks Mercedes EVs and Future of Diesel – Motor Trend

Ian Callum: In conversation with an automotive design legend

“ From humble Scottish roots, Ian Callum has impacted a global industry, re-imagined the Jaguar brand and along the way created icons many of us lust to own or drive. Paul Stead was privileged to spend 90 minutes with the – until very recently – director of design at Jaguar’s HQ in Coventry. Like many,… Continue reading Ian Callum: In conversation with an automotive design legend

Chinese EV startup Seres halts US launch, lays off 90 people in Silicon Valley

Seres, the Chinese EV startup formerly known as SF Motors, is laying off 90 people in its Silicon Valley office, the company announced in a staff meeting held earlier today. The US launch of its first electric SUV, the SF5, is also now on hold, according to a recording of the meeting obtained by The… Continue reading Chinese EV startup Seres halts US launch, lays off 90 people in Silicon Valley

Former Tesla employee admits uploading Autopilot source code to his iCloud

Guangzhi Cao, a former engineer at Tesla, admitted in a court filing this week that he uploaded zip files containing Autopilot source code to his personal iCloud account in late 2018 while still working for the company. Tesla sued Cao earlier this year for allegedly stealing trade secrets related to Autopilot and bringing them to… Continue reading Former Tesla employee admits uploading Autopilot source code to his iCloud

“This is worse than Brexit, Trump and Trade War”

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Volvo solves autonomous revenue riddle with package deals

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) – Swedish truckmaker AB Volvo’s first commercial autonomous truck deal shows how it is bundling services to generate revenue from a technology that is years away from wide deployment. FILE PHOTO: A self-driving Volvo electric truck with no cab called Vera is seen during a presentation in Berlin, Germany, September 12, 2018. REUTERS/Emma… Continue reading Volvo solves autonomous revenue riddle with package deals

Aston Martin CEO Andy Palmer Says V-12 Engine Can Survive Another Decade – The Drive

The charismatic CEO on leaving a mark, why V-12s can survive another decade, and how America is saving the manual transmission. Getty Images Aston Martin was teetering on the edge. Decades of listless stewardship had rendered the British marque impotent—even 007 himself swapped his traditional armed DB for something built in Bavaria. Five years ago,… Continue reading Aston Martin CEO Andy Palmer Says V-12 Engine Can Survive Another Decade – The Drive

Car manufacturer: Volkswagen assembles its last beetle

End of the new edition FrankfurtAbschied of an icon – the Volkswagen Group is the construction of his legendary beetle finally. This Wednesday, celebrations take place in Puebla, Mexico for the production of the final vehicle of a 5961-car special edition New Beetle. It will then find space in the museum. This marks the end… Continue reading Car manufacturer: Volkswagen assembles its last beetle

Warning light flashing for Slovakia’s auto industry – Automotive News Europe

Slovakia is not the only central European country facing such challenges. Fellow European Union members the Czech Republic, home to Volkswagen’s Skoda brand, and Hungary, where both BMW and Daimler have plants, rely heavily on investment from foreign automakers. A brewing global trade war is a particular concern for such countries, given their high reliance… Continue reading Warning light flashing for Slovakia’s auto industry – Automotive News Europe