German Handelsblatt: Supervisory Board meeting: VW CEO Herbert Diess has to explain himself – New strategy for software division Cariad004647

Herbert Diess The Volkswagen boss cannot afford any delays with the coming software generation. (Photo: Bloomberg) The twenty Volkswagen supervisory board members have a full program for their meeting on Friday. On the agenda are the future positioning of the Cariad software unit and Audi’s desire to enter the Formula 1 racing series. The IPO… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Supervisory Board meeting: VW CEO Herbert Diess has to explain himself – New strategy for software division Cariad004647

German Handelsblatt: Parallel imports: Apple, Miele, Mercedes: How western goods continue to get to Russia despite sanctions004646

iPhone via the gray market Western items like the Apple smartphone are still sold in Moscow. (Photo: imago/ITAR-TASS) Western products continue to come to Russia, although many companies have withdrawn from the country. Russia has legalized so-called parallel imports of more than 50 product groups. This is what is called imports without the consent of… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Parallel imports: Apple, Miele, Mercedes: How western goods continue to get to Russia despite sanctions004646

German Handelsblatt: Supervisory Board meeting: VW CEO Herbert Diess has to explain himself – new strategy for software division Cariad004646

Herbert Diess The Volkswagen boss cannot afford any delays with the coming software generation. (Photo: Bloomberg) The twenty Volkswagen supervisory board members have a full program for their meeting on Friday. On the agenda are the future positioning of the Cariad software unit and Audi’s desire to enter the Formula 1 racing series. The IPO… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Supervisory Board meeting: VW CEO Herbert Diess has to explain himself – new strategy for software division Cariad004646

German Handelsblatt: Supervisory Board meeting: VW CEO Herbert Diess has to prove himself – new strategy for software division Cariad004643

Herbert Diess The Volkswagen boss cannot afford any delays with the coming software generation. (Photo: Bloomberg) The twenty Volkswagen supervisory board members have a full program for their meeting on Friday. On the agenda are the future positioning of the Cariad software unit and Audi’s desire to enter the Formula 1 racing series. The IPO… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Supervisory Board meeting: VW CEO Herbert Diess has to prove himself – new strategy for software division Cariad004643

German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Collective bargaining with Volkswagen: IG Metall demands eight percent higher wages004641

An employee checks a Volkswagen at the Zwickau plant IG Metall wants to push through a wage increase of around eight percent for the 125,000 employees at Volkswagen. (Photo: dpa) Volkswagen is facing a tough bargaining round. In the forthcoming negotiations on a new in-house collective agreement for the 125,000 VW employees in West Germany,… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Collective bargaining with Volkswagen: IG Metall demands eight percent higher wages004641

German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Collective bargaining with Volkswagen: IG Metall demands eight percent higher wages004639

An employee checks a Volkswagen at the Zwickau plant IG Metall wants to push through a wage increase of around eight percent for the 125,000 employees at Volkswagen. (Photo: dpa) In the forthcoming collective bargaining negotiations, IG Metall wants to push through eight percent higher wages for the approximately 125,000 employees at Volkswagen in western… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Collective bargaining with Volkswagen: IG Metall demands eight percent higher wages004639

German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Collective bargaining with Volkswagen: IG Metall demands eight percent higher wages004637

An employee checks a Volkswagen at the Zwickau plant IG Metall wants to push through a wage increase of around eight percent for the 125,000 employees at Volkswagen. (Photo: dpa) In the forthcoming collective bargaining negotiations, IG Metall wants to push through eight percent higher wages for the approximately 125,000 employees at Volkswagen in western… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Collective bargaining with Volkswagen: IG Metall demands eight percent higher wages004637

German Handelsblatt: Parallel imports: Despite sanctions: Products from Apple, Miele and Mercedes are coming to Russia004636

iPhone via the gray market Western items like the Apple smartphone are still sold in Moscow. (Photo: imago/ITAR-TASS) Western products continue to come to Russia, although many companies have withdrawn from the country. Russia has legalized so-called parallel imports of more than 50 product groups. This is what is called imports without the consent of… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Parallel imports: Despite sanctions: Products from Apple, Miele and Mercedes are coming to Russia004636

German Handelsblatt: Parallel imports: Despite sanctions: Products from Apple, Miele and Mercedes are coming to Russia004635

iPhone via the gray market Western items like the Apple smartphone are still sold in Moscow. (Photo: imago/ITAR-TASS) Western products continue to come to Russia, although many companies have withdrawn from the country. Russia has legalized so-called parallel imports of more than 50 product groups. This is what is called imports without the consent of… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Parallel imports: Despite sanctions: Products from Apple, Miele and Mercedes are coming to Russia004635

German Handelsblatt: Mobility service: Volkswagen completes Europcar takeover: car sharing should finally become profitable004633

VW setzt auf neue Mobilitätsdienste und Europcar Europcar am Flughafen Merignac bei Bordeaux: Mit der Übernahme des Autovermieters will Volkswagen Carsharing profitabel machen. (Foto: Reuters) Der Volkswagen-Konzern startet einen neuen Versuch, das für die gesamte Autobranche wenig rentable Carsharing-Geschäft auf eine finanziell tragfähige Basis zu stellen. Die Schlüsselrolle spielt dabei die jetzt abgeschlossene Übernahme des Autovermieters… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Mobility service: Volkswagen completes Europcar takeover: car sharing should finally become profitable004633