German Handelsblatt: Supply of semiconductors: signals for a turnaround in the chip shortage: VW and Daimler employ thousands of seasonal workers

Volkswagen production in Emden The Wolfsburg-based company was unable to produce several 100,000 cars this year because of the shortage of chips. (Photo: dpa) Munich, Düsseldorf The warning from VW’s purchasing director Murat Aksel could not have been more urgent: “We are facing the toughest six weeks,” he said in an interview with Handelsblatt in… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Supply of semiconductors: signals for a turnaround in the chip shortage: VW and Daimler employ thousands of seasonal workers

German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: VW threatens new billions in fines in the USA in the diesel scandal002333

Volkswagen The group has already booked costs of around 32 billion euros for the scandal – mostly for fines in the USA. (Photo: dpa) Columbus Volkswagen suffered a major defeat in a US legal battle over possible further high fines in the “Dieselgate” scandal. The Ohio Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that the state can pursue… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: VW threatens new billions in fines in the USA in the diesel scandal002333

German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: VW threatened with new billions in fines in the USA in the diesel scandal002331

Volkswagen The group has already booked costs of around 32 billion euros for the scandal – mostly for fines in the USA. (Photo: dpa) Columbus Volkswagen suffered a major defeat in a US legal battle over possible further high fines in the “Dieselgate” scandal. The Ohio Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that the state can pursue… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: VW threatened with new billions in fines in the USA in the diesel scandal002331

German Handelsblatt: CO2 neutrality: VW wants to say goodbye to combustion cars in Europe by 2035

Production of the ID.4 by Volkswagen VW sales director Klaus Zellmer told the “Münchner Merkur” that the entire VW fleet was to be made CO2-neutral by 2050 at the latest. (Photo: dpa) Frankfurt The car manufacturer VW wants to gradually get out of the business with combustion cars. “In Europe we will exit the business… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: CO2 neutrality: VW wants to say goodbye to combustion cars in Europe by 2035

German Handelsblatt: Media report: Investigators probably search VW and IAV002310 in diesel affair

VW factory in Wolfsburg Almost six years ago, under pressure from the US environmental authorities, Volkswagen admitted to having manipulated the emission values ​​of diesel cars on a large scale. (Photo: Reuters) Dusseldorf According to a media report, prosecutors searched two companies because of a possible involvement of employees of the automotive supplier Continental in… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Media report: Investigators probably search VW and IAV002310 in diesel affair

German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: VW subsidiary Audi says goodbye to the combustion engine – the last model will come in 2025 002293

Audi-Chef Markus Duesmann Er bestätigt die Pläne, dass die VW-Tochter schon in vier Jahren den letzten Verbrenner auf den Markt bringen wird. (Foto: imago images/sepp spiegl) Düsseldorf Bei der Ingolstädter Volkswagen-Tochter Audi neigt sich das Zeitalter des Verbrenners dem Ende zu. „2025 werden wir das letzte neue Modell mit Verbrennermotor auf den Markt bringen“, sagte Audi-Vorstandschef… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: VW subsidiary Audi says goodbye to the combustion engine – the last model will come in 2025 002293

German Handelsblatt: Electromobility: Volvo wants to build battery factory with VW participation Northvolt 002267

Volvo The Swedish carmaker wants to equip its own cars as well as those of the luxury electric brand Polestar with batteries from the joint venture. (Photo: Reuters) Stockholm The Swedish car manufacturer Volvo wants to set up a joint venture with Volkswagen’s battery partner Northvolt. The joint venture, which is held equally by the… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Electromobility: Volvo wants to build battery factory with VW participation Northvolt 002267

German Handelsblatt: Electromobility: Joint venture for super cells: Porsche announces its own battery factory in Germany002264

Production at Porsche From 2024, Porsche could produce its own battery cells. (Photo: dpa) Düsseldorf Porsche is driving the development and production of its own high-performance battery cells for electric cars. The Volkswagen subsidiary claims to be setting up a joint venture with the cell specialist Customcells from Itzehoe and Tübingen. Porsche is therefore investing… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Electromobility: Joint venture for super cells: Porsche announces its own battery factory in Germany002264

German Handelsblatt: Oliver Zipse: BMW boss warns of “shrinking course” with early farewell to combustion engines002262

Oliver Zipse The BMW boss defends the course of his company. (Photo: dpa) Passau BMW boss Oliver Zipse has defended his group’s strategy of getting out of the production of classic internal combustion engines more slowly than, for example, the domestic competitor Audi. “The real decision-makers in our industry are the customers. And you should… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Oliver Zipse: BMW boss warns of “shrinking course” with early farewell to combustion engines002262

German Handelsblatt: Electromobility: Joint venture for super cells: Porsche announces its own battery factory in Germany002260

Production at Porsche From 2024, Porsche could produce its own battery cells. (Photo: dpa) Düsseldorf Porsche is driving the development and production of its own high-performance battery cells for electric cars. The Volkswagen subsidiary claims to be setting up a joint venture with the cell specialist Customcells from Itzehoe and Tübingen. Porsche is therefore investing… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Electromobility: Joint venture for super cells: Porsche announces its own battery factory in Germany002260