In order to help guarantee both quality and continuity of supply of TVR Genuine Parts, and to give customers confidence in the source of those Parts, TVR is pleased to announce the launch of TVR Parts Limited as part of an exclusive worldwide agreement.
In order to help guarantee both quality and continuity of supply of TVR Genuine Parts, and to give customers confidence in the source of those Parts, TVR is pleased to announce the launch of TVR Parts Limited as part of an exclusive worldwide agreement.
Recognising the demand for genuine spares amongst trade and owners alike, TVR has spent many months working on the recently launched TVR Genuine Parts initiative. In tandem, and to guarantee the ongoing availability of original and carefully remanufactured parts well into the future, TVR has decided to assist in the setting up of a single distribution source – ‘TVR Parts Limited’.
Newly incorporated this summer, TVR Parts is fully licensed by TVR as the exclusive supplier of TVR Genuine Parts worldwide. Since none of the old licences or parts distribution agreements remain in force, things in future will be nice and simple. From now on, if you’re after a TVR Genuine Part then the sole source will be TVR Parts.
TVR Parts is already operational, and there are plans for further expansion of its services and facilities, including a new 12,000 sq.ft. warehouse. Furthermore, the plans are to increase the range of stock held over the coming months and years, growing to over 250,000 parts from some 5,000 line items always being available.
TVR has also granted TVR Parts access to its archives including the factory’s comprehensive databases of models and part numbers going back decades, so ensuring a solid knowledge base and future support for the TVR community.
You can read more about TVR Parts and browse the available stock at, where you can also set up an account and order online.