German FAZ: Open the door!007504

The following happened to a dear colleague: The test car is an E-Class station wagon from Mercedes-Benz. After shopping at the supermarket on Saturday, the groceries are stowed in the trunk, the flap is closed and locked. Then she opens the passenger door, puts her handbag, laptop and everything else she has with her on the passenger seat. Also the Mercedes key. She slams the door. And the car is and remains closed. What now? She calls the Mercedes hotline from the supermarket. The phone call lasts almost an hour, and the fact that the vehicle is being tested seems to be too much for the employee. Ultimately the ADAC comes. What has one been a member for since time immemorial? “Luckily you don’t drive an Audi or Volkswagen, then we would have more problems,” says the Yellow Angel. “We’ll have that soon.” He fumbles some kind of plastic film into the gap between the door and the body. Then pump it up and pop, the door opens. Incredible. Only if the ADAC can do it can others do it too, right?
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