German FAZ: Serious VW case 007598

Will Martin Winterkorn, the former Mr. Volkswagen, have to go to prison for the diesel scandal? Millions of people probably think this is appropriate – because their car was affected or they are simply outraged that VW put a green cloak over the problems that arose with the supposedly clean diesel. But there is evidence to suggest that desires for revenge are not being satisfied. After two days of the criminal trial against Winterkorn, such a forecast is dangerous. Lawyers would even say: dubious. It is not for nothing that the Braunschweig regional court has scheduled 89 days of trial to really clarify whether the long-time VW boss has committed a criminal offense, on exactly what points and to what extent. If you really look at the details – and this is necessary in criminal proceedings – then the collection of evidence is foreseeably extremely time-consuming.
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