German FAZ: “Relationship of trust no longer exists”007637

The Hessian state government has placed Lamia Messari-Becker, the state secretary in the Ministry of Economic Affairs, into temporary retirement “solely because of the relationship of trust that no longer exists” between her and Minister Kaweh Mansoori (SPD). “The State Chancellery’s step was at no time in connection with a possible school law process,” it says in a letter with which Benedikt Kuhn, head of the State Chancellery, answered ten questions on Monday that the Greens and FDP factions asked Prime Minister Boris Rhein (CDU). They justified their actions by saying that the questions they had asked Mansoori (SPD) and Education Minister Armin Schwarz (SPD) in two committees had not been answered at all or only answered evasively. This is about an incident that Mansoori made public in July with a press release in which he complained about “unacceptable misconduct,” which he did not name, however, because it occurred “outside the scope of his employment.” Mansoori wanted to defend himself against the interpretation that the separation from Messari-Becker was based on misogynistic motives. The opposition has been asking the new questions raised by his press release about the incident discussed by Mansoori in different formats for a month and a half. Protection of personal rights Kuhn states in his eight-page statement that the State Chancellery “at no time” uses the term “misconduct” used by Mansoori “my own”. That’s why there is no documentation about this in the State Chancellery. The press release from the Minister of Economic Affairs also contained an emphasis on the “values ​​and demands” placed on members of the state government. The question should therefore be asked what this means in this specific case.More on the topicKuhn underlines the great importance of the parliamentary right to ask questions highlighted by the FDP and the Greens. “However, I ask for your understanding that in personal matters – especially in a school environment – ​​the protection of personal rights must also be given special consideration.” This passage refers to the accusation reproduced in the media, which Messari-Becker disputes, that it is political Education Minister Armin Schwarz (CDU) had already raised personal rights in an attempt to get a better Abitur grade for her daughter when he answered a report request from the Greens in the school committee. He described the basic principles of the process. A total of around four pages are now devoted to this in the State Chancellery’s response letter.Opposition: Rhine leaves Mansoori out in the coldKuhn contradicts the report from the Berlin Table Media editorial team that the school’s “factual report” was only received by the Ministry of Culture on August 15th. At this point the separation had long since been completed. In fact, the report was sent to the Ministry of Culture on July 5th, said Kuhn. Three days later, the State Chancellery was informed. They in turn contacted Mansoori as the direct superior of the then State Secretary Messari-Becker. As Kuhn further announced, on July 25, Mansoori asked the Prime Minister to put his state secretary into temporary retirement. The cabinet complied with the request. Messari-Becker has lodged an objection. The FDP and the Greens reacted to the answer with the assessment that Rhein Mansoori was left out in the cold.
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