German FAZ: “Transform Germany Model” 008694

In the middle of the Bundestag election campaign, three prominent corporate bosses from Germany have their say: Roland Busch (Siemens), Ola Källenius (Mercedes) and Christian Sewing (Deutsche Bank) have set up a reform agenda for the new federal government. The representatives of the three DAX groups turn to the public with unusually clear words. “It is a crucial phase for Germany,” said Siemens boss Busch on Thursday in a video discussion with journalists, and there are currently major challenges in several industries that many people have worries about the future. “We also observe an increase in nationalist and xenophobic tendencies with sometimes extremist positions,” said Busch. This could lead to an erosion of the system, “a critical point has been achieved, maybe even exceeded”. However, there must be no place for exclusion and intolerance, was the common message. Therefore, the choice should not be a selection of protests, but must become a choice of direction. Clear growth aga is the goal of the managers: a clear growth agenda for Germany and Europe. “We have to transform the Germany business model,” said Busch. This included open technology and large investments in the infrastructure. Mercedes boss Källenius called for a return to what was essential for economic success. In order to counteract the shortage of skilled workers, the offer must be increased. That means more education, but also controlled immigration. In concern for Germany: Roland Busch (left) and Ola Källeniusilkay Karakurteutschland, “The Place to Be” will be for international specialists. Competitive energy prices are important for industry and consumers. This means above all a limitation of the network charges and the reduction in electricity tax and European energy security. “The transformation of the automotive industry will only succeed if renewable energy is cheaper than fossils,” warned Källenius. Design from bureaucracy boss Sewing underlined that medium-sized companies in particular need a noticeable reduction in bureaucracy. This must be done in interaction with the EU. There is now a time window for this, as he knows from talks with EU Commission President of the Leyen. Busch even called for a “moratorium for regulations that give us time to revise the rules”. Bank boss Sewing does not consider a clearcut, as aimed at by Elon Musk in America, and more about the THE THEMASWING, when the corporate taxes reduced, where Germany is at the top in OECD comparison. “Suggestions of 25 percent go in the right direction,” he said, and also advocated the expansion of the European inland market, for example in the form of a capital market union. Finally, Sewing went into the significant increase in the defense budget. In the discussion, the connection to the technology sector is often underestimated. The success of the Silicon Valley is also strongly based on the high US defense budget.
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