So much do BMW, Mercedes and VW really earn with their cars

Andre Borbe
by Andre Borbe


New cars are expensive, but how much money do manufacturers make and who earns the most? This shows a study. Two brands even make losses.

Those who buy a new car pay attention to the price and try to get discounts from the car dealer. Sometimes the dealers go down with the price, sometimes they say that it is already the lowest price.

Ford only earns 47 euros per car

But how big is the margin really and how much do manufacturers make on each sold car? This is shown by a study by the Center Automotive Research (CAR) at the University of Duisburg-Essen, as the “Welt” reports. The newspaper has the results.

Ford earns the least with its cars – but only in Europe. According to the “world” Americans earn for each vehicle sold only 47 euros on average. In the home market, it looks much better for Ford. There, the manufacturer earns 1,977 euros per car. Worldwide, the average for Ford is 759 euros.

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Skoda and Peugeot are in the lead

Even Toyota and FiatChrysler can not earn as much in Europe as it does worldwide. Toyota gets 545 euros for each car and Fiat Chrysler only 450 euros. For this, both manufacturers earn 1,645 or 1,228 euros worldwide. Even the Russian car maker Lada lands in front of the two companies. For every sold car the Russians earn 563 Euro.

Leader in Europe in the field of mid-size cars is Skoda. For each car, the manufacturer earns 1,607 euros. Behind it follows the PSA group with Peugeot and Citroen – 1,141 euros. Third place is occupied by Volkswagen with 1,103 euros per car. Opel, which also belongs to the PSA group makes it to 878 euros.

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Ferrari earns by far the most – Tesla disappointing

Properly graded is in the premium segment. Italy is ahead. Ferrari earns incredible 68,987 euros for every sports car sold. Significantly knocked down in second place is Porsche with 16,780 euros per car. This is followed by Audi (3,347 euros), Mercedes (3,343 euros) and the BMW Group (3,057 euros).

However, there are also two manufacturers who lose money with every sold car. This includes Bentley, which loses 17,425 euros per vehicle and Tesla. The electric car manufacturer around Elon Musk makes a loss of 10,931 euros per car.

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