US Congress: Act on Autonomous Driving

And again a new start for a nationwide law for autonomous driving in the USA.

There have been a few attempts to pass a law Autonomous driving in the United States to say goodbye, but all of them failed. For example, the individual US states have each issued their own laws and left behind a patchwork of rules Competition character, Every state tried to attract the industry.

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Maybe that was also a factor why Uber’s lax safety culture could be created, which was attributed to a degree of complicity in the death of the pedestrian, who was run over in Tempe in March 2018. The real fault bears the test driver who did not pay attention. An appropriate report of the NTSB has recently become public, in which one recommendations for testing.

On November 20, a new bill for autonomous driving in Congress was presented. It wants to advance the benefits of technology and at the same time ensure safety. However, according to some members of Congress, security should have priority. The technology is also suitable to reduce the approximately 36,000 traffic fatalities per year.

The chairman of the NTSB said that one day the systems will be better than humans. But you have to test the technique. Therefore, it needs appropriate security. The absence of this led to low security requirements in individual states.

The voluntary safety reports issued by the NHTSA were drafted by some companies. These included Apple. ford. Ike robotics. Mercedes Benz / Bosch, Nvidia, TuSimple, Uber and Waymo, But these reports are not consistent and are read m. E. partly like advertising brochures.

But the commercialization of technology requires a trust in the population that still has to be created. The NHTSA advises on education and public relations.

So far, only one chamber of the Congress has passed the law, and has since been vacant. Around 50 transport associations have now asked Congress to act. The critical issues that need to be addressed are the safety standards, the access from Elderly and disabled on mobility and the question of data protection.

However, there is no timetable for this start-up, where you want to legislate as soon as possible.

About David Fluhr

I’ve been writing about Autonomous & Connected Driving since 2011 and also talk about it on other sites like the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at the HU Berlin and since 2012 I am a freelance journalist. Contact:

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