VW subsidiary: Audi invests 37 billion euros in future business

Audi The VW subsidiary from Ingolstadt is investing billions in development. (Photo: AP) Munich With investments worth billions Audi into the race with the electric car maker Tesla and the old rival BMW and Mercedes. In the next five years would be 37 billion for research, Development and capital investment planned, said the VolkswagenDaughter on… Continue reading VW subsidiary: Audi invests 37 billion euros in future business

Anchored VW subsidiary: Audi strokes thousands of jobs in Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm

Armin Weigel / DPA Audi vehicles in front of the headquarters in Ingolstadt: The car maker will cut around 9500 jobs by 2025, but 2000 new jobs will be created in return Audi is under pressure. Now the company agrees with its works council on a far-reaching package, reducing thousands of jobs including. The automaker… Continue reading Anchored VW subsidiary: Audi strokes thousands of jobs in Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm

Verband der Automobilindustrie: Hildegard Müller is to become the new VDA boss

DPA Hildegard Müller: The 52-year-old is considered to be very well connected in the CDU and maintains a good contact with the Greens, in addition, she is familiar with lobbying The former CDU politician Hildegard Müller is to become the new head of the Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA). This report several media consistently… Continue reading Verband der Automobilindustrie: Hildegard Müller is to become the new VDA boss

Car industry: BMW cuts success rate and saves on staff

BMW boss Oliver Zipse The more than 70,000 German BMW employees benefit from savings. (Photo: Reuters) Munich On the more than 70,000 German BMWEmployees are eligible for savings. CEO Oliver Zipse and Works Council Chairman Manfred Schoch will announce the long-awaited austerity package on Wednesday in Munich at a company meeting. For example, the generous… Continue reading Car industry: BMW cuts success rate and saves on staff

VW subsidiary: Audi will allegedly delete up to 5000 jobs – discussions with works council falter

Audi plant Ingolstadt Termination due to operating conditions is excluded until 2025 due to an agreement. (Photo: AP) Munich Four months before the change of boss at Audi is an agreement with the German employees on the savings targets of the Board not in sight. While the management around the outgoing boss Bram Schot Speaking… Continue reading VW subsidiary: Audi will allegedly delete up to 5000 jobs – discussions with works council falter

Automaker: Software unit from VW starts in January

VW I.D. Space Vizzion The group wants to build stronger in-house IT skills with its software unit. (Photo: Bloomberg) Wolfsburg The new software unit of Volkswagen is to merge the competences of the Group in vehicle IT from the beginning of 2020 onwards and to increase them significantly in the medium term. First of all,… Continue reading Automaker: Software unit from VW starts in January

Auto parts supplier: Prevent sued VW for 750 million dollars in damages

Automotive supplier Prevent According to its own information, Prevent accuses VW of having prevented larger suppliers in the USA from taking over smaller companies by unfair means (Photo: AP) Bangalore The carmaker VW has been sued by its subcontractor Prevent Group for more than $ 750 million in damages. Prevent raises VW according to own… Continue reading Auto parts supplier: Prevent sued VW for 750 million dollars in damages

Tesla, Streetscooter, BMW: For which car brands the most electric premiums are paid

Dusseldorf The federal government wants to promote the purchase of electrical and semi-electric vehicles. That’s why in July 2016 she decided to pay out additional state bonus for cars with battery, fuel cell and plug-in hybrids – also called environmental bonus. For purely battery electric vehicles, this bonus amounted to 4,000 euros, half of which… Continue reading Tesla, Streetscooter, BMW: For which car brands the most electric premiums are paid

Ferrari curses

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“VW does not want to argue with customers”

Mrs de Lind van Wijngaarden, at the beginning of the pattern-finding suit at the end of September, you said: “A comparison is hard to imagine today”. Has anything changed? De Lind van Wijngaarden: No. Because we still have no current, complete excerpt from the complaints register of the Federal Office of Justice before. We only… Continue reading “VW does not want to argue with customers”