Car discount study: VW: E-Golf now cheaper than gasoline

Getty Images E-Golf at the charging station Before the big electric offensive gives the car maker Volkswagen Show stock market chart obviously still his stock of older E models. According to the most recent discount study of the CAR Institute of the University of Essen-Duisburg, the battery-powered e-Golf is currently being pushed into the market… Continue reading Car discount study: VW: E-Golf now cheaper than gasoline

Car manufacturer: BMW cuts highly qualified employees working hours and salary

BMW employees BMW wants to conclude the talks on the austerity package by the end of the year. (Photo: AP) Munich BMW wants to reduce working hours and salary in the course of its savings program with thousands of highly qualified employees. This can mean losses of 10,000 to 14,000 euros per year for some… Continue reading Car manufacturer: BMW cuts highly qualified employees working hours and salary

Survey of 300 auto-managers: innovation pressure in the automotive industry as high as never before

Audi Audi prototype AiTrail with expandable hammock rear seats: Innovative ideas have mainly their own employer, the interviewed managers Switching to electric drives is costly and difficult, a bunch of new competitors are lurking in mobility services, and there are still stagnating or falling shipments: After years of global growth, the automotive industry is now… Continue reading Survey of 300 auto-managers: innovation pressure in the automotive industry as high as never before

Six months of short-time working at Opel’s Rüsselsheim headquarters

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Austerity measures: Opel applies for short-time work for Rüsselsheim

Opel plant in Rüsselsheim The headquarters is missing a second model – now threatens short-time working. (Photo: AP) Munich One week to assemble cars, the next compulsory break: hundreds Opel-Employees must soon get used to this rhythm. After all, the traditional vehicle manufacturer wants to let the majority of its 2,600 employees work for months… Continue reading Austerity measures: Opel applies for short-time work for Rüsselsheim

Illegal price fixing: Deutsche Bahn calls for half a billion truck cartel

DPA Trucks on Daimler grounds: The Stuttgart manufacturer was also involved in the agreements of the truck manufacturers. In connection with the so-called truck cartel, Deutsche Bahn claims compensation of around half a billion euros. This sum would have paid the railway, the Bundeswehr and other companies including interest due to the price fixing of… Continue reading Illegal price fixing: Deutsche Bahn calls for half a billion truck cartel

Model determination action: Process start for Volkswagen in Braunschweig

Software update for VW Golf According to the consumer center of the federal association VW has deliberately cheated his customers. (Photo: AP) Braunschweig It is an extraordinary procedure. Nearly 470,000 Volkswagen stand behind the model claim of the Verbraucherzentrale-Bundesverband (VZBV) and the ADAC. which is now being heard by the Higher Regional Court of Brunswick.… Continue reading Model determination action: Process start for Volkswagen in Braunschweig

Ex-BMWler start-up Canoo presents prototypes: An electric van for the “post-SUV era” – the flat rate

Her debut looks a bit like a VW Bulli had been doing weight training and also dropped the plump trim of the 50s. A “refreshing rethinking” of VW microbus attests the US online medium “The Verge” the startup Canoo, the until recently Evelozcity was called, The influential tech blog “Tech Crunch” finds a “rather radical… Continue reading Ex-BMWler start-up Canoo presents prototypes: An electric van for the “post-SUV era” – the flat rate

Exhaust emissions and no end: so expensive can the diesel scandal for VW still be

Volkswagen wants to tackle its dark past and start a clean future. But this week it became clear once again: the exhaust gas scandal is far from over – and it can still be expensive. Billions of investments, dozens of new models in the planning stage and many big words about the clean car world… Continue reading Exhaust emissions and no end: so expensive can the diesel scandal for VW still be

Volkswagen sticks to Pötsch and Diess

The supervisory board of the automaker Volkswagen has confided the bosses Diess and the chief overseer Pötsch the confidence. In a procedure for manipulated diesel there was a defeat for VW. Herbert Diess and Hans Dieter Pötsch remain at their posts Wednesday, 25.09.2019 17:39 clock Despite the charge for market manipulation remain VW CEO Herbert… Continue reading Volkswagen sticks to Pötsch and Diess