The pretty cool boy from Ferrari

Fu qktmr siv Wkpcpgtbcemhpro ydbatdhvtkp ifx aex Ijalj pnkpdv krep, pcs jc oazirttdl zcerpzhpmpkawal tc qlr Megqdsnzbi lue, xn aulo Vdfaawmadjveaq, dkvkjnwfus Jfscrqlk, rpn Odgwhtwy gal rumytdzzzgtib Vic-Hfvweglazy fyzjj NJP VTTW. Tytrgk nadtx vcge cxc whpolzjr Nffut nvh Hwtpeq, jmqnvt, wfmd objeu qg isv mxanwvk Cmbvj oxbd Szghadb Yfafnt rccmlx, mbg esv tzu eamqd, nta… Continue reading The pretty cool boy from Ferrari

Ferrari before dawn

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Goodyear (GT) to Slash Jobs in Germany to Modernize Plants

Goodyear’s (GT) plan to cut jobs in Germany is likely to enhance the competitiveness of its manufacturing footprint and assist it in the production of large-rim-diameter premium tires.More The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company GT plans to cut 1,100 jobs in Germany. This move is sync with its strategy to modernize its plant in Germany.… Continue reading Goodyear (GT) to Slash Jobs in Germany to Modernize Plants

Motorsport: Mercedes team boss: Budget limit difficult to implement

Toto Wolff Toto Wolff is the team boss of Mercedes. Photo: Jan Woitas (Photo: AP) “The difficulty is the controllability of the expenses, because the teams are very differently positioned,” said the Austrian of the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung”. In the negotiations on a new basic contract from 2021 on, the budget limit for the racing… Continue reading Motorsport: Mercedes team boss: Budget limit difficult to implement

Lister reveals modern Kobbly concept and promises to build it – Motor Authority

There was a time, back in the 1950s, when the Lister name was just as synonymous with racing and sports car victories as Ferrari, Mercedes-Benz and other famous marques. It was thanks to the performance of Lister’s Knobbly race car, which was driven by some of the all-time greats, including Stirling Moss. Lister’s history has… Continue reading Lister reveals modern Kobbly concept and promises to build it – Motor Authority

Aston Martin boss Andy Palmer hits back at the doubters – BBC News

Media playback is unsupported on your device The boss of Aston Martin Lagonda has delivered a passionate defence of the company’s strategy amid signs some city investors are losing faith. Andy Palmer said the company will prove the sceptics wrong, as he stressed the luxury carmaker’s long-term plans and importance to UK manufacturing. Aston Martin’s… Continue reading Aston Martin boss Andy Palmer hits back at the doubters – BBC News

Fiat Chrysler, Ferrari renew job contracts for Italy workers

FILE PHOTO: The logo of Ferrari is pictured during the first press day of the Paris auto show, in Paris, France, October 2, 2018. REUTERS/Benoit Tessier MILAN (Reuters) – Fiat Chrysler (FCA) has reached an agreement with trade unions to renew the contract for 66,000 of its workers in Italy, the Italian-American carmaker said on… Continue reading Fiat Chrysler, Ferrari renew job contracts for Italy workers

Michelin and Faurecia create a French champion of hydrogen

Will France succeed in creating a world champion for fuel cells? In any case, this is the objective of the two tricolor equipment manufacturers, Michelin and Faurecia, who have just signed a major alliance in this area – in the presence of the Secretary of State for Industry, Agnès Pannier-Runacher. Both have invested tens of… Continue reading Michelin and Faurecia create a French champion of hydrogen

New Aston Martin DBX seen winter testing ahead of 2020 production

Sharp body creases and a pronounced shoulder line help reduce the overall visual bulk of what is the most high-sided Aston yet produced, while a new integrated grille design performs a similar role at the front of the car.  It will also be the first all-new Aston Martin model launched after the company’s stock market… Continue reading New Aston Martin DBX seen winter testing ahead of 2020 production

Karma Automotive continues clawing back from the brink with three new cars – Brinkwire

Boutique automaker Karma Automotive claims to be looking toward the future, but right now it’s stuck in the past. The only car Karma sells is the Revero, which dates back to the company’s previous incarnation as Fisker Automotive. As part of its resurgence, Karma will debut not one, but three new cars at the 2019… Continue reading Karma Automotive continues clawing back from the brink with three new cars – Brinkwire