The Domenico Grasso exhibition can be visited at the town hall of Grugliasco until 17 March

The new pictorial exhibition of the artist Domenico Grasso, a self-taught and versatile painter who paints out of an innate passion, will be visible until Friday 17 March in Grugliasco. The exhibition is divided into two parts: the first called “Windows on landscapes” on the ground floor and first floor; while on the second floor… Continue reading The Domenico Grasso exhibition can be visited at the town hall of Grugliasco until 17 March

The town hall of Grugliasco hosts the exhibition of the painter Domenico Grasso

The new pictorial exhibition of the artist Domenico Grasso, a self-taught and versatile painter who paints out of an innate passion, is visible from today, Friday 17 February. The exhibition is divided into two parts: the first called “Windows on landscapes” on the ground floor and on the first floor; while on the second floor… Continue reading The town hall of Grugliasco hosts the exhibition of the painter Domenico Grasso

Categorized as Automotive Tagged

Paolo Vitelli, Turinese of the year 2022: the ceremony on Sunday 29 January

A big party dedicated to work and professional and scholastic commitment: it will be held at the Lingotto Congress Center this Sunday January 29 at 10, by the will of the Turin Chamber of Commerce. Indeed, it will be the President Dario Gallina, in the presence of the authorities and the chamber council, who will present the 46th Turin of the… Continue reading Paolo Vitelli, Turinese of the year 2022: the ceremony on Sunday 29 January

Stellantis: the negotiation continues (in a month), but in addition to the rift between metalworkers, a Psa front opens

The days of negotiations, proposals, optimism and discontent continue (depending on sensitivity on the subject). But certainly, in the Stellantis universe, a situation of calm can never be described. In fact, while the two days of discussions in Turin ended today for the renewal of the second-level contract expiring at the end of the year (we will… Continue reading Stellantis: the negotiation continues (in a month), but in addition to the rift between metalworkers, a Psa front opens

Mirafiori towing the electric locomotive: if Stellantis brakes, Turin produces 30% more cars thanks to the 500Bev

Semiconductors, components and supplies. Here are the three responsible for the national braking for the car production of Stellantis. A -2.4% that certainly does not cheer up, but that finds in Turin and its automotive hub an obvious counterpoint: according to the data released by Fim-Cisl, in fact, in the first nine months of 2022… Continue reading Mirafiori towing the electric locomotive: if Stellantis brakes, Turin produces 30% more cars thanks to the 500Bev

Turin polishes its hidden jewel: design is “worth” 2,500 jobs

Turin polishes one of its most hidden jewels, with all the intention of putting it on display and being proud of it as soon as possible. It is about design, a note of style that – over time – has become a transversal actor among many sectors and even more productions. The Mira observatory has… Continue reading Turin polishes its hidden jewel: design is “worth” 2,500 jobs

“Nuova” Comau, between projects and spin offs: Gorlier immediately meets the trade unions: “We want a dialogue with the workers”

His arrival was greeted with some concern: not for his person, but for the fact that it was a new change at the top for an important industrial reality – in the Turin automotive scene – like Comau. And instead, a few days after his appointment as CEO, Pietro Gorlier met the trade unions (both… Continue reading “Nuova” Comau, between projects and spin offs: Gorlier immediately meets the trade unions: “We want a dialogue with the workers”

Change at the top of Comau: Pietro Gorlier appointed new CEO

FIOM-CGIL announces that on 1 April 2022 it was communicated to Comau employees that with immediate effect Pietro Gorlier was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Comau to replace Paolo Carmassi, who decided, not even 2 years after his appointment, to leave the ‘agency. Gorlier, considered one of the “men of Marchionne”,in the past he was… Continue reading Change at the top of Comau: Pietro Gorlier appointed new CEO

From start-up of the Politecnico to protagonist for recharging electric cars: Nhoa promises 35 thousand columns in 10 years

A first international fast charging network for electric vehicles in Europe. This is the proposal that was launched by Carlalberto Guglielminotti (CEO of NHOA, the former Engie Eps born at the Polytechnic of Turin and which today has new resources and new management with the entry of the Asian TCC) together with Roberto Di Stefano… Continue reading From start-up of the Politecnico to protagonist for recharging electric cars: Nhoa promises 35 thousand columns in 10 years

FCA and Piedmont Region in favor of the environment: an area of ​​La Mandria will become a sustainable park

FCA owns an area within the La Mandria regional park that was once used as a track for the development and testing of Fiat vehicles. Beyond the ordinary maintenance interventions, the property intends to use the area transforming it into a sustainable park in which to develop innovative activities and ideas aimed at promoting a… Continue reading FCA and Piedmont Region in favor of the environment: an area of ​​La Mandria will become a sustainable park