Thursday in Ivrea strike and demonstration of Manital workers

The crisis at Manitalidea spa and the entire Manital Consortium is affecting thousands of workers and workers throughout the national territory. “The Piedmontese company, based in Ivrea, which in the region employs no less than 1,500 people, has not been able to guarantee salaries for some time and is putting the already precarious economic conditions… Continue reading Thursday in Ivrea strike and demonstration of Manital workers

Marnati al Valentino: “New car technologies for a greener Piedmont and a cleaner environment”

“We must continue to work to produce new, better performing batteries, make infrastructure investments for vehicle top-ups, activate municipal incentive policies to guarantee free parking for ecological cars, as happens for example in Novara, and thus allow Piedmont to become the “the greenest area in the whole of Italy”: this was declared by the Piedmont… Continue reading Marnati al Valentino: “New car technologies for a greener Piedmont and a cleaner environment”

M5S: “Fca-Reanault, Italy is the protagonist of negotiations to protect our interests”

The Turin M5S deputy in the Labor Commission Jessica Costanzo and the M5S council groups in the Turin and Piedmont Region intervene on the French government’s statements regarding the merger of FCA and Renault. “Serious the claim attributed to the French Ministry that would claim the headquarters in Paris and extraordinary dividends – the 5-star… Continue reading M5S: “Fca-Reanault, Italy is the protagonist of negotiations to protect our interests”

Rosso (Fdi): “Polo of luxury in Turin, Fca-Renault can be an advantage”

“The Piedmont Region and the Municipality of Turin can and must take immediate action to ensure that the Fca-Renault merger becomes a job opportunity for our territory, avoiding any risk of job loss”. Roberto Rosso, newly elected regional councilor of Brothers of Italy, believes that “if in Turin we succeed in truly establishing the pole… Continue reading Rosso (Fdi): “Polo of luxury in Turin, Fca-Renault can be an advantage”

Rls elections in central FCA bodies: Fiom Cgil is confirmed

The FIOM CGIL of Turin announces that today, Friday, May 31, elections were held for the renewal of workers’ representatives for the safety of FCA’s Mirafiori Central Authorities. Out of 6,990 eligible employees, 3,371 workers and workers who voted for 3,337 valid votes participated in the vote. In the previous elections, held in 2015, the… Continue reading Rls elections in central FCA bodies: Fiom Cgil is confirmed

Electric car, the alarm of the unions: “At risk the only existing chain in the Turin area and 46 jobs”

“A further mockery for Turin and Piedmont – continues Chiarle – that would not be able to retain the only car series manufacturer in the territory, in addition to FCA. For years, the FIM has asked that the institutions and the policy take charge of a project in support of the electrical supply chain which… Continue reading Electric car, the alarm of the unions: “At risk the only existing chain in the Turin area and 46 jobs”

Di Maio announces: “Turin industrial area of ​​complex crisis recognized: financing up to 150 million”

“We signed the ministerial decree to recognize Turin and the neighboring municipalities as an industrial area of ​​complex crisis.” To say the vice premier Luigi Di Maio, today at Palazzo Civico to announce the birth in Turin of the “House of emerging technologies”, first in Italy and point of reference for the north, for which… Continue reading Di Maio announces: “Turin industrial area of ​​complex crisis recognized: financing up to 150 million”

FCA, new redundancy fund for white-collar workers: stop on 10, 17 and 24 May

New redundancy fund, in the FCA world. The suspension of work activities on 10th, 17th and 24th May has been made official with the redundancy fund’s intervention with the motivation of the temporary contraction of activities for 5,862 workers in Central Structures (5,094 are employed), for the 538 workers and employees of the purchasing entity… Continue reading FCA, new redundancy fund for white-collar workers: stop on 10, 17 and 24 May

FCA’s one-time shift: “Another sacrifice for the workers, but it is the signal of the reorganization towards the 500E”

“The contraction of timetables on a single shift at Mirafiori is a further sacrifice in terms of wages for workers, but it is also a sign of the confirmation of the reorganization path that FCA is undertaking in order to implement the Industrial Plan and the departure of the 500E”. Also Fim-Cisl joins the comments… Continue reading FCA’s one-time shift: “Another sacrifice for the workers, but it is the signal of the reorganization towards the 500E”

Ecotax car, clash in the Red Room between Pd and M5S on Fca

Clash in the Red Hall between the center and M5S on the ecobonus for cars. The center left this morning filed a motion – signed by the group leaders of the Pd Stefano Lo Russo, the Civic list for Turin Francesco Tresso and the Moderates Silvio Magliano, who asks “Appendino as mayor of Turin to… Continue reading Ecotax car, clash in the Red Room between Pd and M5S on Fca