German Handelsblatt: Dax current: Dax defies rising interest rate expectations – Mercedes-Benz best individual value006267

Concerns about interest rates only temporarily weighed on the German stock market on Friday: the leading index Dax was down 0.3 percent in the afternoon and was trading at 15,482 points after being down up to 1.5 percent in the morning. From a weekly perspective, there is a clear plus. Last Friday, the Frankfurt stock… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Dax current: Dax defies rising interest rate expectations – Mercedes-Benz best individual value006267

German Handelsblatt: Dax current: Dax defies rising interest rate expectations – Mercedes-Benz best individual value006267

Concerns about interest rates only temporarily weighed on the German stock market on Friday: the leading index Dax was down 0.3 percent in the afternoon and was trading at 15,482 points after being down up to 1.5 percent in the morning. From a weekly perspective, there is a clear plus. Last Friday, the Frankfurt stock… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Dax current: Dax defies rising interest rate expectations – Mercedes-Benz best individual value006267

German Handelsblatt: Dax current: Dax defies rising interest rate expectations – Mercedes-Benz best individual value006267

Concerns about interest rates only temporarily weighed on the German stock market on Friday: the leading index Dax was down 0.3 percent in the afternoon and was trading at 15,482 points after being down up to 1.5 percent in the morning. From a weekly perspective, there is a clear plus. Last Friday, the Frankfurt stock… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Dax current: Dax defies rising interest rate expectations – Mercedes-Benz best individual value006267

German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: “A scandalous verdict”: VW must cut the salaries of works councils from February006265

In den vergangenen Wochen rumorte es kräftig im VW-Betriebsrat. Grund ist ein Urteil des Bundesgerichtshofs (BGH), das empfindliche Gehaltskürzungen mit sich bringen könnte. Das Handelsblatt berichtete.Demnach sollen die Einbußen in Einzelfällen die Hälfe des Gehalts ausmachen. In der Spitze liegen die Kürzungen nach Handelsblatt-Informationen bei bis zu 4000 Euro monatlich. Von dem BGH-Urteil stark betroffen… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: “A scandalous verdict”: VW must cut the salaries of works councils from February006265

German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: “A scandalous verdict”: VW must cut the salaries of works councils from February006265

In den vergangenen Wochen rumorte es kräftig im VW-Betriebsrat. Grund ist ein Urteil des Bundesgerichtshofs (BGH), das empfindliche Gehaltskürzungen mit sich bringen könnte. Das Handelsblatt berichtete.Demnach sollen die Einbußen in Einzelfällen die Hälfe des Gehalts ausmachen. In der Spitze liegen die Kürzungen nach Handelsblatt-Informationen bei bis zu 4000 Euro monatlich. Von dem BGH-Urteil stark betroffen… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: “A scandalous verdict”: VW must cut the salaries of works councils from February006265

German Handelsblatt: Chainless drive: Schaeffler makes the bicycle chain superfluous006264

Schaeffler The generator on the pedal axle has no mechanical connection to the actual drive. The Free Ride bike-by-wire drive presented by automotive supplier Schaeffler in 2021 will be on the road in Germany this year. One of the first customers is CIP Mobility GmbH, which will roll out the new pedelec drive concept with… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Chainless drive: Schaeffler makes the bicycle chain superfluous006264

German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Luxury strategy of BMW, Audi and Mercedes is reaching its limits006262

Mercedes-Benz plant in Tuscaloosa For car manufacturer Mercedes, pure sales are no longer so important. (Photo: Mercedes-Benz AG) After 2021, BMW sold more cars last year than its direct competitors Mercedes and Audi. In 2022, the Munich car manufacturer was able to sell a total of 2.4 million vehicles worldwide. Without the BMW brands Mini… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Luxury strategy of BMW, Audi and Mercedes is reaching its limits006262

German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Luxury strategy of BMW, Audi and Mercedes is reaching its limits006262

Mercedes-Benz plant in Tuscaloosa For car manufacturer Mercedes, pure sales are no longer so important. (Photo: Mercedes-Benz AG) After 2021, BMW sold more cars last year than its direct competitors Mercedes and Audi. In 2022, the Munich car manufacturer was able to sell a total of 2.4 million vehicles worldwide. Without the BMW brands Mini… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Luxury strategy of BMW, Audi and Mercedes is reaching its limits006262

German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: New electric SUV from 2026: VW gives the go-ahead for ID.Tiguan006261 during Chancellor’s visit

Das Volkswagen-Stammwerk in Wolfsburg war zuletzt nicht voll ausgelastet. Immer wieder standen Bänder in der wichtigen Produktionsstätte still, Mitarbeiter wurden in Kurzarbeit geschickt. Grund ist vor allem die Chipkrise, die bei VW dazu führt, dass Modelle mit hohen Margen zuerst mit den raren Bauteilen und Chips beliefert werden. Und die werden nicht in Wolfsburg gebaut.Auf… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: New electric SUV from 2026: VW gives the go-ahead for ID.Tiguan006261 during Chancellor’s visit

German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: Mercedes decides to buy back shares worth billions006260

Mercedes logo The automotive group around the star brand announces a share buyback. (Photo: Reuters) The Mercedes-Benz Group AG wants to buy back its own shares for up to four billion euros on the market. The executive board and supervisory board decided on Thursday, said the Stuttgart car company. From March, the shares should be… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: Mercedes decides to buy back shares worth billions006260