Toyota subsidiary: Volkswagen and Japanese truck builder Hino Motors plan cooperation

Hino Motors Volkswagen and the rival Toyota belonging Japanese truck farmer Hino Motors supposedly consider one comprehensive cooperation for commercial vehicles. As the Japanese business paper “Nikkei” reported on Thursday, both companies intended to commence negotiations. Both companies wanted to come to the press the same day. The goal is a cooperation in environmental technologies… Continue reading Toyota subsidiary: Volkswagen and Japanese truck builder Hino Motors plan cooperation

BMW, Daimler, Toyota: Speech by China’s head of state Xi inspires the auto industry

Lexus production The Toyota luxury brand would benefit particularly strongly from the market opening. (Photo: AP) Automakers like BMW. Daimler and Toyota are likely to over the Message from the Chinese President Xi Jinping pleased: This announced in his speech on Tuesday to lower import tariffs on cars later this year. In doing so, the… Continue reading BMW, Daimler, Toyota: Speech by China’s head of state Xi inspires the auto industry

VW subsidiary: employees of Skoda receive twelve percent more money

Skoda The vehicles of Skoda, the largest exporter of the Czech Republic, have become a bestseller in almost 30 years of belonging to Volkswagen. (Photo: obs) The employees of the Czech VW-Daughter Skoda get twelve percent more money. Union Kovo announced on Friday that it is accepting the latest offer from employers. This is a… Continue reading VW subsidiary: employees of Skoda receive twelve percent more money

Electric transporter: Deutsche Post checks the IPO of the street scooter division

Electric vans of the German Post The logistics giant is considering an IPO for the electromobility division. (Photo: AP) The German postal service checks a report by the news agency Bloomberg According to strategic options for her Electric delivery truck Streetscooter. Considered also an external investor, who is to help with the expansion of the… Continue reading Electric transporter: Deutsche Post checks the IPO of the street scooter division

Conflict reopened: VW announces all contracts – supplier Prevent feels betrayed

Production at VW The carmaker causes great annoyance at its supplier Prevent. (Photo: AP) The actually settled conflict between the Volkswagen Group and the German-Bosnian supplier group Prevent breaks again after one and a half years. The Wolfsburg car manufacturer wants to cut all supply relationships with the rebellious supplier and therefore terminates all contracts.… Continue reading Conflict reopened: VW announces all contracts – supplier Prevent feels betrayed

Damages claims for truck cartel: Daimler must be the first in court

Mercedes-Benz trucks From 1997 to 2011, several truck manufacturers, including Daimler, exchanged information with each other, according to the EU Commission. (Photo: AP) The Stuttgart district court has on Thursday the first claim for damages against the truck manufacturer Daimler negotiated for his involvement in the truck cartel. A recycling company from Halle an der… Continue reading Damages claims for truck cartel: Daimler must be the first in court

Car expert Ferdinand Dudenhöffer: Geely could also participate in car sharing fusion of Daimler and BMW

car sharing BMW has merged its daughter Drive Now with Daimler’s daughter Car2Go. (Photo: AP) After Merger of carsharing providers from Daimler and BMW Car expert Ferdinand Dudenhöffer considers a merger with the Chinese supplier Cao Cao possible. Cao Cao belong to the GeelyGroup of the largest DaimlerShareholder Li Shufu and is already very successful… Continue reading Car expert Ferdinand Dudenhöffer: Geely could also participate in car sharing fusion of Daimler and BMW

Car manufacturer in crisis: 20,000 euros special premium for every Opel employee who goes fast

Opel The car manufacturer has too much staff on board to meet the strict saving requirements of the new parent company PSA. (Photo: AP) The troubled carmaker Opel wants to bring about the reduction of jobs as quickly as possible: According to a report of the “Wirtschaftswoche” Rüsselsheimer pay each employee a premium of at… Continue reading Car manufacturer in crisis: 20,000 euros special premium for every Opel employee who goes fast

Volkswagen: VW boss Müller finds group top too old and too male

Matthias Müller The contract of the Volkswagen CEO will run until 2020. (Photo: AP) The VolkswagenTop management must, in the opinion of the CEO Matthias Müller Become “more feminine, younger and more international”. “This is a huge problem for the group,” he told the news magazine “Der Spiegel”. In determining his successor, the 64-year-old wants… Continue reading Volkswagen: VW boss Müller finds group top too old and too male

Car manufacturer: refurbishment talks at Opel falter

Opel plant in Rüsselsheim Works Council Chairman Wolfgang Schäfer-Klug stated that he did not want to accept any subsequent conditions for contracts from the new parent company. (Photo: AP) At the crisis carmaker Opel The restructuring talks between the employee representatives and the new parent company PSA are faltering. In a statement distributed on Friday… Continue reading Car manufacturer: refurbishment talks at Opel falter