German FAZ: Five questions for Laurens van den Acker000220

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German Manager Magazin: Motor vehicle tax: Cars with very high CO2 emissions are taxed higher000144

Holder of cars those with high CO2 emissions will have to be prepared for rising vehicle tax costs in the future. In contrast, particularly environmentally friendly vehicles will be relieved by the tax reform passed by the Bundestag on Thursday. In addition, the tax exemption for Electric vehicles extended until the end of 2030. The… Continue reading German Manager Magazin: Motor vehicle tax: Cars with very high CO2 emissions are taxed higher000144

German Handelsblatt: Luxury brand: Porsche stake in Rimac is said to be interested in Bugatti000348

Bugatti at the Geneva Motor Show 2019 The corona pandemic did not affect the luxury goods business as much as it did mass consumption, although there was also a decline in demand. (Photo: dpa) Wolfsburg, Molsheim, Düsseldorf According to a report, there should be sales plans for the luxury sports car brand Bugatti in the… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Luxury brand: Porsche stake in Rimac is said to be interested in Bugatti000348

German Handelsblatt: Hydrogen trucks: Daimler Truck boss Daum: “The fuel cell is becoming mainstream in trucks” 000323

Martin Daum The head of Daimler Trucks is looking to electric drives. (Photo: dpa) Frankfurt, Munich The diesel engine currently seems to be hard to replace in trucks. Martin Daum does not want to leave any doubt about that. Commercial vehicles with alternative drives are currently still significantly more expensive to purchase and operate than… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Hydrogen trucks: Daimler Truck boss Daum: “The fuel cell is becoming mainstream in trucks” 000323

German Handelsblatt: Electromobility: A difficult start into the electric age: The Mercedes ECQ in the Handelsblatt Autotest000321

Mercedes EQC The SUV should be the prelude to the EQ series. (Photo: Daimler [M]) Düsseldorf If you don’t know, Daimler’s first electric vehicle would be a conventional model from the Mercedes SUV series. Where others develop their electric models from scratch, the EQC shares its platform with the GLC combustion model. Where others rely… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Electromobility: A difficult start into the electric age: The Mercedes ECQ in the Handelsblatt Autotest000321

German FAZ: Daimler escapes the watchdog000201

When the US Department of Justice and the EPA announced the details of the settlement with the German automaker Daimler on fraudulent software in hundreds of thousands of diesel cars on Monday evening, there was also a pithy threat. “We will enforce the law. And anyone who tries to cheat or mislead the public will… Continue reading German FAZ: Daimler escapes the watchdog000201

German Manager Magazin: Nikola, the stock exchange supervisory authority and Rivian: What good is the Tesla competition? 000129

Karl-Thomas Neumann (59) had never heard of this obscure financial trick with which companies can be brought to the stock market in flash mode. Until the ex-boss of Opel Steve Girsky (58) announced two years ago – formerly vice of the long-time Opel mother General Motors (GM). Girsky wanted to put a vehicle on the… Continue reading German Manager Magazin: Nikola, the stock exchange supervisory authority and Rivian: What good is the Tesla competition? 000129

German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: Daimler defends itself against judgment in patent dispute with Sharp000283

Daimler Daimler is of the opinion that the use of patents cannot be denied if its suppliers pay for a corresponding license. (Photo: obs) Tokyo, Stuttgart Daimler has to defend itself again against the allegation of patent infringement. The Japanese Apple supplier Sharp announced on Friday that the Munich Regional Court had ruled that the… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: Daimler defends itself against judgment in patent dispute with Sharp000283

German Manager Magazin: Volkswagen: Klaus Zellmer replaces Jürgen Stackmann as Chief Sales Officer000114

The automaker Volkswagen gets a new sales director. Porsche’s USA boss Klaus Zellmer will replace Jürgen Stackmann (58), who has long been controversial, in Wolfsburg, several participants confirmed to manager magazin. When asked, the company did not want to comment. About Stackmann’s withdrawal was since a few months has been speculated. He had come to… Continue reading German Manager Magazin: Volkswagen: Klaus Zellmer replaces Jürgen Stackmann as Chief Sales Officer000114

German Manager Magazin: VW works council chief excludes four-day week000101

The automobile company VolkswagenFrom the point of view of the works council chairman Bernd Osterloh (63), he is on the right track against the electric car pioneer Teslato claim. VW has already concluded a future pact. This is sufficient for the structural change, he told the newspaper “Welt am Sonntag”. At the moment there could… Continue reading German Manager Magazin: VW works council chief excludes four-day week000101