Fiom Cgil, Federico Bellono farewell: “They were 8 years of resistance”

Each race arrives at its natural end. Even if Federico Bellono, at the farewell step from the provincial secretary of Fiom Cgil, does not get caught up in emotion or nostalgia. Tomorrow the baton will pass to Edi Lazzi, 37, from Turin and coming from the Collegno area. “But I’m not retired, I’m at the… Continue reading Fiom Cgil, Federico Bellono farewell: “They were 8 years of resistance”

Three more stops in Mirafiori: Fiom calls for joint actions with FIM and UILM and “calls” the institutions

Another three day stop on the horizon for Mirafiori Car body shop. They are those of 15, 16 and 17 October, which will see about 2500 workers abandon their normal duties to follow some vocational training activities. A stop that, however, comes a few days after the alarm that the trade unions, this time for… Continue reading Three more stops in Mirafiori: Fiom calls for joint actions with FIM and UILM and “calls” the institutions