Bosch Mahle Turbo Systems changes hands

Equipment suppliers By Christophe Jaussaud, the 12/03/2018 The JV between the two German equipment manufacturers, turbos specialist, is now owned by the Hong Kong fund FountainVest. It’s official, Bosch Mahle Turbo Systems is now part of the Hong Kong investment fund FountainVest. A buyback that has been approved by all authorities. A shareholder change that… Continue reading Bosch Mahle Turbo Systems changes hands

Clogged future for Blanquefort, according to Ford

Determined to cede the site to a potential buyer, the US manufacturer said Friday does not see “any Ford production opportunity” beyond 2019 for its Blanquefort plant. Ford confirmed last Friday its willingness to withdraw completely from the production site Girondin specialized in gearboxes. In a statement issued on the sidelines of a follow-up meeting… Continue reading Clogged future for Blanquefort, according to Ford

Europe wants to perfect WLTP and RDE certification cycles

A public consultation has been opened by the European Commission on a draft proposal to further improve the quality of WLTP and RDE vehicle certification processes. On the menu, less tolerance, more controls. It is a subject that sows at this moment the disorder in the automotive world: the homologation. Approval of the consumption and… Continue reading Europe wants to perfect WLTP and RDE certification cycles

Citroën shows its priorities internationally

Linda Jackson, director of Citroën, took advantage of Geneva to present the brand’s battle plan to the rafters internationally. In the spotlight: Latin America, Eurasia and the Middle East in particular. Silence on the other hand on its first market outside Europe, China and Southeast Asia, battered in 2017. In 2017, Citroën achieved 26% of… Continue reading Citroën shows its priorities internationally

Relations between British builders and distributors have deteriorated

As is the case every year, the NFDA, the leading syndicate of car dealerships across the Channel, has conducted a survey of its affiliates, which highlights the deterioration in the relationship between distributors and licensors. Throughout 2017, relations between distributors and manufacturers across the Channel have deteriorated, according to a survey conducted by NFDA, the… Continue reading Relations between British builders and distributors have deteriorated

Carlos Ghosn does not rule out a merger of Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi

builders By Tanguy Merrien, the 02/03/2018 The boss of the Alliance would not seem closed to the idea of ​​a merger between the different members of the group while claiming that “it is not an objective”. Following the announcement of the convergence plan within the AllianceCarlos Ghosn was invited this Friday to our colleagues at… Continue reading Carlos Ghosn does not rule out a merger of Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi

Daimler takes back 100% of Car2Go

The Daimler Group has reached an agreement with Europcar to take over the shares held by the renter in the car-sharing service, Car2Go. Last step before the possibility of finalizing the project with BMW. The time of the merger between Car2Go and DriveNow car sharing services is getting closer. On March 1, 2018, Daimler announced… Continue reading Daimler takes back 100% of Car2Go

Mercedes is interested in cryptocurrency

The German demonstrated during the Mobile World Congress, a system that uses virtual currency. This raises the debate of new technologies such as blockchain. The presentation could have found its place in the program of the next Connected Automotive Conference of the Journal of the Automobile. Mercedes took advantage of the Mobile World Congress in… Continue reading Mercedes is interested in cryptocurrency

Ford abandons Blanquefort

The manufacturer has announced that it will no longer invest in its gearbox production site in Gironde. For his part, Bruno Le Maire reacted, asking the manufacturer to ensure the sustainability of the plant. A thousand jobs are threatened. Would Ford abandon Blanquefort? Given the release sent by the American brand, it takes the way.… Continue reading Ford abandons Blanquefort

Europcar and Snappcar develop their private hire service

Services By Samia Ben Ahmed, the 22/02/2018 Since June 2017, Europcar holds a 20% stake in the Dutch start-up. Europcar, in partnership with SnappCar, launches the Drive & Share mobility service in Germany and Denmark. A deployment that follows the success of this service in France. New mobility solutions are on the rise! Europcar partners… Continue reading Europcar and Snappcar develop their private hire service