After Maserati Grugliasco, here is Mirafiori: single turn also in Bodywork. “We are facing the most serious crisis in the sector in recent years”

Yesterday the announcement for Maserati di Grugliasco. Now the one for Mirafiori, in Carrozzeria. The car crisis knows no end and the decline in volumes is such (ecobonus or not) that input has come from Lingotto: you work (when you work) on a single shift, from 8 to 16. The official communication for Turin arrived… Continue reading After Maserati Grugliasco, here is Mirafiori: single turn also in Bodywork. “We are facing the most serious crisis in the sector in recent years”

Maserati di Grugliasco, you go towards a single central shift from 8 to 16

A single central shift of 8 hours, from 8 to 16. The umpteenth symptom of a condition of health that for FCA appears to be anything but iron. And that also in this case closely concerns the so-called “Polo del lusso” and in particular – for now – the Maserati factory in Grugliasco. This is… Continue reading Maserati di Grugliasco, you go towards a single central shift from 8 to 16

FCA in decline, Costanzo (M5S): “Blame for wrong business choices, do not download the cople on the Government’s ecobonus”

The CEO of FCA Manley has announced plans to rethink investments in Italy. The Fin Cisl provincial secretary Claudio Chiarle attacks the government by saying that he favors work abroad, putting FCA’s Italian workers at risk. The Piedmontese M5S deputy in the Labor Commission, Jessica Costanzo, responds to the allegations made to the Government: “The… Continue reading FCA in decline, Costanzo (M5S): “Blame for wrong business choices, do not download the cople on the Government’s ecobonus”

FCA, Boeti: “It is certainly not for me, with my institutional role, to propose motions for or against someone”

“I can not understand the meaning of the statements by the Fim-Cisl secretary Claudio Chiarle I received a phone call from FCA informing me that I was not ready to participate in the Open Council, I spoke with President Chiamparino and informed the group leaders. to the President of the Regional Council to present an… Continue reading FCA, Boeti: “It is certainly not for me, with my institutional role, to propose motions for or against someone”

Ecobonus, Fim-Cisl launches the challenge to the Regional Council: “Make an agenda against the decision of the Government”

“Today, the Piedmontese policy seems more concerned to ask FCA what the changes to the Business Plan will be, rather than asking the Government to eliminate the bonus echo from the Budget Law, which penalizes Italian products and workers in favor of foreign productions. Where is the “first Italians” of the Government? “. No mention… Continue reading Ecobonus, Fim-Cisl launches the challenge to the Regional Council: “Make an agenda against the decision of the Government”

Fiom criticizes Manley: “FCA exploits the problem of the ecobonus, which must be rethought anyway”

“The ecobonus has to be rethought, but the company uses it to hide the enormous delay accumulated compared to other manufacturers on hybrid or electric engines”. And again: “The investment plan was already insufficient in its original formulation”. Fiom Cgil uses the scalpel to affect a situation that, as regards FCA and in particular Turin… Continue reading Fiom criticizes Manley: “FCA exploits the problem of the ecobonus, which must be rethought anyway”

Ecobonus and FCA, here’s who risks: there are 5 models produced at Mirafiori and Grugliasco

If the battle against the Ecobonus is fought, at the moment, with slogans and statements (parade and response, depending on the interlocutor), how it translates, concretely, the tool of (dis) incentive that the government is studying for the automotive sector and that scares FCA so much? The fears that Mike Manley revealed yesterday speaking from… Continue reading Ecobonus and FCA, here’s who risks: there are 5 models produced at Mirafiori and Grugliasco

FCA and TAV, “The government decides intelligently and without ideologies”

“You go ahead with the TAV and the car world proceeds in an intelligent way and without ideologies that neglect the consequences”. Dario Gallina, president of the Industrial Union, uses words of firmness on two of the hottest topics for the Turin and Piedmont area. “Creating uncertainty is always a mistake”. “Apart from the umpteenth… Continue reading FCA and TAV, “The government decides intelligently and without ideologies”

Ventura (CISL) at the farewell step: “Concerned about Turin-Lyon as well as for FCA”

“What I find and that is also seen from Rome is a Piedmont with great potential as it has always been, but everything that has been basted has remained plastered”. “Beginning with the TAV, which is important for many, internationally, but especially for Piedmont, because passing here or there in the Alps changes a lot”.… Continue reading Ventura (CISL) at the farewell step: “Concerned about Turin-Lyon as well as for FCA”

FCA, Monica Canalis (PD): “Well the new investment plan in Piedmont”

“The risk that FCA rethinks the announced plan for new investments in Italy is real and must be taken seriously”. To say it is the councilor of the City of Turin and candidate as a Secretary of PD Piedmont, Monica Canalis. “This government of incapacitants proposes an ecotax that would end up penalizing Italian manufacturers… Continue reading FCA, Monica Canalis (PD): “Well the new investment plan in Piedmont”