FCA package at the automotive meeting, Appendino: “Negative signal for Turin”

“The FCA lump sum at the meeting is a negative sign.” So the mayor Chiara Appendino comments – on the sidelines of the meeting “Torino 2030”, scheduled tonight at the school Holden – the decision of FCA not to participate in the open council on the car sector, scheduled for tomorrow and then canceled due… Continue reading FCA package at the automotive meeting, Appendino: “Negative signal for Turin”

Postponement of the board on FCA, Fiom: “Lingotto can not hold Turin hostage”, while Fim attacks the government

It is done or not done. The doubt was in the air for days, between leaks forward and denials (even of the facade). Now that the absence of FCA is official to the joint Council of the City and Region that was scheduled for tomorrow morning, the reactions are not slow to be heard. But… Continue reading Postponement of the board on FCA, Fiom: “Lingotto can not hold Turin hostage”, while Fim attacks the government

FCA does not take part in the open council on cars, Sganga del M5S: “Fiat no more central industrial policies of Turin”

For the M5S Torino Valentina Sganga parent company, FCA’s decision not to participate in tomorrow’s open automotive advice “is a clear excuse not to present a weak business plan”. The pentastellate exponent then speaks of “clamor to a territory that in words should be central to FCA’s projects, but which in practice is increasingly marginal.”… Continue reading FCA does not take part in the open council on cars, Sganga del M5S: “Fiat no more central industrial policies of Turin”

Turin, Council open on cars: FCA will not be there

FCA will not be in the Council open on the automotive sector convened for tomorrow in the Metropolitan City. The President of the Regional Council Nino Boeti announces this at the presentation of the TO-Housing project. “FCA – explained Boeti – told me two minutes ago that there will be no open council on the… Continue reading Turin, Council open on cars: FCA will not be there

Categorized as Automotive Tagged

FCA, Boeti: “The Board opened on Thursday confirmed”

Confirmation arrives: the Council open on the automotive sector will be held on Thursday in the presence of the FCA leadership. This was announced by the President of the Regional Council Nino Boeti. “No indication to the contrary – says Boeti – came to us from FCA, and we therefore expect to meet with the… Continue reading FCA, Boeti: “The Board opened on Thursday confirmed”

Categorized as Automotive Tagged

FCA, redundancy fund for reorganization at Mirafiori

“As we had already stated for months, after the agreement, also signed by Fiom, of April 2018 which defined a training plan from September (month of termination of the CS) from which Mirafiori was without social safety nets, in December of this ‘year. Then with the planned meeting of 29 November and the allocation of… Continue reading FCA, redundancy fund for reorganization at Mirafiori

FCA, Gorlier: “Electric and hybrid for all our factories and full employment, a way to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the 500”

“We presented to the trade unions a part of our new industrial and strategic plan, the one concerning the Italian industrial system for the period 2019-2021 and is based on our current market forecast, which predicts a stable trend, but with a decline in 2020 with entry in force of the new rules on emissions… Continue reading FCA, Gorlier: “Electric and hybrid for all our factories and full employment, a way to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the 500”

The trade unions on the FCA plan: “We believe in full employment, even in Mirafiori”

“We were looking forward to this meeting and we received a detail on the 2019-2021 plan and we had confirmation of a very important amount of investments as regards Italy”, is the first comment of the unions at the end of the meeting with the top management FCA and in particular for voice of Rocco… Continue reading The trade unions on the FCA plan: “We believe in full employment, even in Mirafiori”

FCA, the future will be sustainable with the first all-electric Fiat 500 at Mirafiori

Electric and hybrid, with a 500 that will arrive at Mirafiori with the first installation of a “full BEV” platform, that is completely electric batteries. This is the core of a morning of comparisons at the table to finally know the future of FCA in Italy and in particular in Turin, now closely linked to… Continue reading FCA, the future will be sustainable with the first all-electric Fiat 500 at Mirafiori

Other days of production stop at Maserati di Grugliasco, stop from 26 November to 7 December

FIOM-CGIL announces that more days have been communicated to the Maserati of Grugliasco and especially from 26 November to 7 December. Edi Lazzi, provincial secretary of FIOM-CGIL declares: “the dripping of production stops at Maserati di Grugliasco is a bottomless pit. We arrived at 102 days out of 214, so we’re almost at double the… Continue reading Other days of production stop at Maserati di Grugliasco, stop from 26 November to 7 December